This competition-winning plan for Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park is located in Pudong, Shanghai, and will be the new center for the surrounding R&D district of the city. It occupies 466 hectares and comprises 3.7 million square meters of development in four sub-areas - R&D, China Central Science Institute, Arts Colleges, and Technology Island. An amenity core along the river links the four districts.
The urban design structure is established by creating centers of distinctly different character for the four districts, and by the intersection of these centers with the riverside amenity core which provides retail, entertainment, cultural, and mixed-use facilities to support the 24/7 lifestyle of Shanghai’s Hi-Tech center. The district centers also intersect with the main east west spine where modal–split nodes are located to support Transit Oriented Development and anchor a secondary network of shuttles and pedestrian, bike and jogging pathways that will enable a largely car-free environment.
Green technologies are integrated throughout the Master Plan and in the architecture, as exemplified by the new Technology Tower that will provide China with its first Building Integrated Photo Voltaic curtain wall, and an iconic building that will generate enough power to satisfy more than fifty percent of its energy demand.